Hi, I'm Kassandra
I’m Kassandra. I’m a document designer and a twin. I love helping companies create consistency across all their communications. My special trick is my process and systems driven mind. This makes me great at making everything fit just right on the page, build workflows and love production style work.
Most of my clients teach something so I make their workbooks, brochures, social media images, banners, advertisements. I have a Bachelor of Computer-Based Art and Design from the University of the Sunshine Coast.
I have specialised in documents because I find them soothing and interesting to make. I have spent a few years designing and typesetting textbooks. I know so many little tricks to improve readability. I know how to use so many typographical symbols too.
Originally, I started freelancing because I liked the freedom and flexibility to choose which projects to work on. As it turns out I made a good call because now I travel the world with my laptop and work remotely. My husband and I were digital nomads before it was trendy. I travel really slowly to get a chance to immerse in local culture and have plenty of time to help clients with their needs. You never know where in the world I am but rest assured, I will still meet all your deadlines.
I choose a tag-line back in 2010 when I started my freelancing business and after all these years, it still applies. Making the world a beautiful more place—one document at a time.
♥️ Kassandra