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how to create a pdf from basic business software like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint on windows computers advice tips help from a professional graphic designer to help businesses
behind the scenes

Create a pdf

Learn how to create a PDF from basic business software such as Word and PowerPoint. It is easier than you think.

version control document management version number system process
behind the scenes

Document Control: Version Names

Document Control is a system for knowing which documents there in an an organisation and which is the most up to date. Learn more.

print and electronic publication of business documents and marketing materials optimise for email and printing lakazdi graphic design Brisbane Australia

files that work for both printing and electronic publication

When designing and exporting your files, think about how it can be double purpose. How can it work for both printing and electronic publication. Either way, you are likely to be using PDF format. Save yourself some time and hassle by working with both formats within the same document because this is easier than making two documents.

professional graphic designer advice on choosing a good body font selecting a font is hard which font to use typeface bold italic option select picking body report book website workbook design

Choosing a good body font

While technically there are no right or wrongs, making sure it is legible, readable and that you have options when it comes to bold and italic makes for a good font.