How can you use a simple double sided flyer to sell your product?
The great thing about a simple double sided flyer is that there is plenty of space here to tell a story and inform potential customers about your product or service. With your flyer, you can use one side for showing off your product or service, and the other side to give some very specific information that will help it sell. But don’t forget to add in contact details.
Print or email?
The thing is you can have both! By setting up your document right, you can always have the ability to print it and to email it from the same file. The information doesn’t have to be different. However, it can be advantageous to have a broader version for printing (so you can print more copies) and much most tailored versions for emailing.
Don’t forget to have a few different versions of your simple double sided flyer for potential clients at different stages of the buying journey. One version with a broad overview of what you can offer. Another version that highlights one aspect your company – perhaps your package. And another about what the next steps are so you can keep pushing your potential customers into buying.
What can I include in my simple double sided flyer?
Show your product, or service. Think big hero image. Cliché is fine here. You want someone seeing this to know what it is you do. And you want that to be instant. So use an image that captures attention and in seconds tells someone what you do/sell. On that topic, make sure that your picture is the highest quality possible.
Contact details
Put the main form of contact biggest. I know it sounds obvious. If you want phone calls, make sure your phone number is the biggest. If you want people to visit your website, make it the biggest. It is okay to include all your contact details or just the single main form of contact. Since the aim of this flyer is to get the customers to make contact with you, don’t put social media icons or links in the flyer. Using them will likely not assist in a sale at all. The thing is, those icons/logos will distract the customer what you are selling and they will go and scroll social media.
Use story telling to have a bit of a start, middle, end, why should I care narrative. This will be engaging and will help build desire for your product or service.
Include some key details about your offering. What sets your offering apart from others. And here you want to be specific. There is a balance to have though. Since you only have the two sides of the flyer, you cannot put pages and pages of reasons your offering is the best. Think of the top 3 and make sure they are highlighted. If you have room to add more, that is okay. But make sure your text is all legible.
Call to action
Don’t forget to include the what’s next step. This will be different for everyone and even between flyers it might be different. Perhaps the next step is to learn more, or to arrange an appointment, or to call and get a quote, or to buy a low-ticket item that helps immediately. It is wise to experiment with this to see what is working. But always include a call to action. It really does help you and the reader know what happens next.
Get a simple double sided flyer to sell your product
Lakazdi can take your branding, content and ideas and make you a simple double sided flyer to sell your product. The flyer will be print-ready and able to be emailed. Because flexibility counts. We can get started on this today.