Turning Your Workshop into a Webinar
Some pointers for turning your face to face, in person workshop into a webinar as you expand and up level your business online.
Some pointers for turning your face to face, in person workshop into a webinar as you expand and up level your business online.
Online course: Make Better Documents (Quick and simple fixes anyone can do). Learn how to improve your important document.
Here is a list of 9 things to run your webinar, a webinar checklist. These things individually are not too much work but all together will help you to run a successful webinar.
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There are so many great resources for learning from home. Homeschooling has been done for a long time now. But where to find resources? The
Get help while moving to online delivery. Lakazdi breaks down two options for workbooks and two options for slides available through the Lakazdi.com store.
What would having a good DL flyer mean for your business. Better promotional and marketing opportunities. Learn more about flyers here.
Public wayfinding or signage, should be accessible to the people viewing it. Sometimes this might mean it should be in a foreign language.
One of the things I like to do the most with document design is keeping things consistent. This helps build brand. Every time I make