I just added this brand redesign project to my Behance Portfolio.

It was a really fun project to work on because brand redesign covers a variety of print design document types. These include: banner, presentation/pitch deck template, sales sheets, business cards, folder, articles. These items were required so that the company would be ready for a trade-show; which was well received. I really love getting to get to know how a brand presents itself and then making that happen on a range of materials. This particular brand with the sunrise and sunset images was refreshing to work on. Every time I looked at the fresh images I would smile.
I always find it really interesting to see how the same few elements can change depending on usage. Using an element in slightly different ways on each item can be both different and similar for that cohesive look. It is one of my most favourite things about being a graphic designer. The little touch of having the flap of the folder being the bold band of orange that really is on the bottom of everything. I love the little details.
The design brief for the banner required three pull-up banners that need work individually. So each panel contains certain information that is seen in a single banner context (logo, website). However, these all need to work together to form a cohesive look as one single banner while a table is in front of it at a trade show. This dual purpose made the design of the set a fun challenge. So I have shown both the banners as single and as a set with a table in front of them.

Presentation materials
Some of the other interesting aspects to the redesign was getting to reformat their sales sheets. These are single-sided pages like a flyer or brochure and each sheet has a particular service listed. This collection of 10 ended up going into a die-cut presentation folder.
[Learn more: What is the difference between flyer and brochure?]

Making the Powerpoint template was a challenge. This required 90 different slide types to cover a range of possibilities. Because each department has different requirements, it means that there needed to be a certain level of flexibility. Everything has been set up so the slides are very easy to edit by anyone in the office. It makes the template be somewhere between a normal presentation, an information talking piece and a pitch deck. There is even statements or resume type slides for each of the staff.

Let me know if you need any assistance in making any similar item for your company or if you need a complete rebrand.