Some quick tips for getting your tags correct for optimal search engine optimisation SEO.
It is very important to get your keywords and tags correct for optimal search engine optimisation. When writing blog posts, I am very careful to follow the guidelines to ensure good SEO. This is a little to do with tags and keywords but there are also some other things to consider.
- Tags for your customers, not your colleagues
- See what is already working
- Similar words and keywords
- Meet basic technicalities
Tags for your customers, not your colleagues
Make sure your tags and keywords are useful for the people you want finding your site. Your customers. So while jargon and industry terminology is useful to your colleagues, it might not be helpful for colleagues. Always think about what your customer is searching for and make sure you are catering to that. Which leads into:
See what is working already
You should already be getting metrics on what search terms are working. How is it that people are finding your site. It is useful to see what these terms are. If anything, you will gain insights but also you might find that your most visited page on your website is one that you wrote very well and had this shared around. If it is not relevant to what you are still doing, maybe think about deleting it.
Similar keywords and tags
Remembering that some people looking for your site might actually know technical terms, so don’t forget to put them in. But also think about very similar words that still mean the same thing. Example I have tags/keywords for “learn“, “learning“, and “learning management systems“. The search engine sees these all differently. Don’t make the search engine guess or have people miss out because you only chose one word.
Meet basic technicalities
A website needs to have a certain amount of words and structure before a search engine finds it. So make sure that for search engine optimisation you have met all the basic technical requirements. Some of these are getting your meta data in check, making sure your site is readable which means a certain amount of words and using headings. You need backlinks and internal links. All these things help the search engines. I personally use Yoast SEO to assist me.